Re: 脑 (6)

由 xw » 8月 02 2011


Meditation regularly can expand area in the outer part of your brain, the cortex. 
Brain studies suggest that people who meditate often grow thicker tissue in parts 
of the cortex linked to attention and the senses.

Study: As you gain knowledge, connections increase in hippocampus, which holds
more memories, and parts of your cortex. In one brain experiment medical students
showed grest thickness in these area after three months of preparing for exams.


Coffee contains caffeine, which blocks the nature neurotransmitter adenosine.
Adenosine trigger s receptors that make you sleep, so by blocking adenosine, caffeine 
keeps you awake.

Cocaine and Heroine

Drugs like heroin and Cocaine affects brain that create pleasure and motivation.
This region is activated by the neurotransmitters endorphine & dopamine levels.
the good feeling erected by this region motivate and reward productive behavior, 
like finding food, the dry versions take a shortcut, poaching the levels without the 
usual behavior, and can lead to devatating problems like addiction.

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