Re: 延髓 (4)

由 xw » 7月 27 2011

不好意思,Reptilian Brain还没学通,就胡扯了两贴,按关中说就是跳舞了。小麦
medulla oblongata--延髓整理一下。前面的贴子读之又读,消化了不少,不明

Right below the swollen pons(意大利语,桥,源于一意教授名) is the medulla 
oblongata. This long stretch of cord provides a pathway for motor signals 
between the nerves in the spinal cord and the brain. It is the main center 
of breathing and heart control, but it is also the place where activities 
you can’t always control are taken care of — like swallowing, coughing, 
gagging, and even vomitting.




Section of the medulla oblongata at about the middle of the olive.


medulla oblongata 

  • medullary pyramids 
  • Medullary cranial nerve nuclei
    • Inferior salivatory nucleus
    • Nucleus ambiguus
    • Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve
    • Hypoglossal nucleus
    • Solitary nucleus

前部/腹部: 延髓弓状核 • 延髓锥体 (锥体交叉) • 橄榄体 • 下橄榄核 • 延髓内前裂 
• 延髓呼吸核团

后部/背部: 孤束核/孤束(VII,IX,X) • 舌下神经核(XII), 迷走神经背核(X)
• 疑核(IX,X,XI) • 下泌涎核(IX) • 薄束核/楔束核/楔束副核 • 延髓最后区 
• 延髓内侧沟 • 延髓呼吸核团

中缝/网状结构 感觉交叉 • 网状结构 (巨细胞核, 小细胞网状核, 腹侧网状核, 外侧
网状核, 旁正中网状核) • 中缝核群 (中缝隐核, 中缝大核, 中缝苍白核)

束 皮层脊髓束 (皮质脊髓侧束, 皮质脊髓前束) • 小脑下脚 • 橄榄小脑束 • 脊髓小
脑束 (脊髓小脑背侧束, 脊髓小脑腹侧束) • 脊髓丘脑束 • 后柱内侧丘系通路(PCML)
(后外侧弓状纤维, 内弓状纤维, 内侧丘系) • 锥体外系 (红核脊髓束, 前庭脊髓束, 

(Formatio reticularis grisea and formatio reticularis alba labeled at left.)

谈到网状结构,Reticular Formation:这一组神经元于脑干上下,不局限于哪个部
位。It’s like a filter for the thalamus(丘脑), takes millions of sensory inputs 
you get every second from all over your body – eyes, ears, nose, mouth, 
figertips, skin — and let in only the important stuff. 

Smelling: when you smell something sweet, spicy or stinky, your nose is
sensing chemicals in the air. It sends messages to a brain area called the 
olfactory cortex, which can tell about 20,000 aromas apart.

Your eyes see by using tiny receptors called rods and cones. There are 
more than five million cones and more than 120 million rods sending signals 
to your brain. These signals tell your brain about everything you see, 
from colors and shadows to movement and depth.

There are ten thousand taste buds in your mouth, mostly on your tongue. 
Each one has fifty to one hundred and fifty receptors. That means that your 
mouth can send more than a million signals to your brain while you’re eating 

Your ears capture sound waves and send them to your brain via a complex 
system of small hairs and liquid. Neurons turn these waves into signals and 
your brain identifies the signals as sounds.

Your hand has 17,000 receptors that give you your sense of touch. The skin 
that covers your body has receptors along every inch of it, although not every 
part is as sensitive as your hand.

Add all this up, and it means that your brain is receiving several hundred 
million bits of information every second — even at this very moment. The 
reticular formation sorts out what’s important and what’s not.

延髓下通Spinal Cord,脊髓,已冲出头脑的范围。这样我总算把Reptilian Brain蒙混
过去。沿进化发展的秩序,下一步应该是Limbic system,中文称脑缘,英文有名The 
Mammalian Brain。

此前我想上溯一下谈真正源初动物的脑子,说有一种海生动物Sea squirt,海鞘,有

Some people say that sea squirt is “eating its own brain.” Getting rid of the
brain frees up room in the body for more feeding space…The brainless sea 
squirt never misses its brain. It spends rest of life moving back and forth 
in the ocean currents, appearing to wave to anyone who sees it. For this 
reason, colonies of sea squirts are known as “dead man’s fingers.”

to be continued…

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